I'm 31 he is 42. -Soft and cuddly dadbod, without the.
Very Tactile and love to give erotic massages to ladies, and if married, am very comfortable if the husband watches. I'm clean, disease free, shaven.Divorced former Marine- we need to get that out of the way, because I was obviously going to tell you at some point. Looking for hookups or swingers no weirdos please. Hello Ladies, I have come to the realization that I can't compete with them physically, especially in terms of dick size, and let's face it, size matters and don't let anyone try to tell you otherwise So, I will use my words, as the say, and tell, rather than show, what I can do for you ladies I have back issues and a small pecker, that is true, but I have other talents and my mouth and fingers work just fine I get off on feeling and watching your body respond to my touch of lips and tongue, as well as my words as my fingers go on a "deep dive" of your most feminine charms In other words, I wanna go down on you and make you squirm I wanna penetrate you mentally as my fingers penetrate you physically To quote the late George Michael "I want your sex" and "I will be your Father Figure" as well, if that is what you are looking for, I am not your man.