Hi ladies i'm Trydell7 ,i'm 26 of age from jamaica,but was rise in
Montreal,i now live in Calgary,and im a fitness trainer at the Golds
Gym,i lke to play sports read books ,im down to earth,and is up to try knew things and
I am origanally from Ga., but I have been living in Ca. If(You are sincere in a relationship && You have a good heart
&& You are intelligent && You are passionate in life && energetic in career) { Here is a little about me: She is sweet and
caring in a relationship; progressive in career; more artistic than scientific; She enjoys computer graphics, books, travels, art, music, movies, cooking etc.
I would really love to have
somebody to hang out with during the hurricane and in case
you're lost power have somebody to stay entertained with spoil a little bit NSA no baggage completely respectful and I'm a pleaser and a gentleman. Says I live in
Calgary, actually Edmonton.